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Limb Salvage

Let Us Reattach a Severed Limb Through Microsurgery

If you've lost a limb or almost lost a limb, let Advanced Plastic and Hand Surgery work to immediately reattach it and preserve its functions. You can trust our experienced surgical team, who each have years of experience with limb salvage operations.

Our surgeons, Dr. Johnson and Dr. Wimalawansa, draw on their skills as board-certified plastic surgeons, as well as specialized training in surgery of the hand and upper extremity.

We will quickly assemble a trauma team and surgical team to address your emergency situation and save your limb. We're the only clinic in the area that offers this kind of replantation surgery, so call us now at

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FAQs for Limb Salvage Surgery

  • What is limb salvage surgery, and when is it needed?

    Limb salvage surgery is a procedure performed to save a limb that is at risk of amputation due to severe trauma, cancer, infection, or other conditions. It aims to preserve functionality and appearance while removing diseased or damaged tissue.

  • Who is a candidate for limb salvage surgery?

    Candidates for limb salvage surgery include individuals with severe limb injuries, bone tumors, infections, or circulation problems. Our experienced plastic surgeons will assess your condition and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan.

  • What does the limb salvage process involve?

    Limb salvage involves a comprehensive evaluation, surgical intervention, and post-operative care. The specific procedures depend on the patient's condition but may include bone grafts, tissue reconstruction, and the use of advanced technologies for wound healing.

  • How do surgeons decide between limb salvage and amputation?

    Our plastic surgeons, Dr. Johnson and Dr. Wimalawansa, carefully evaluate each patient's medical history, overall health, severity of the condition, and potential for successful limb salvage. The primary goal is to offer the least invasive and most effective treatment option that preserves the limb's functionality and appearance.

  • What are the benefits of limb salvage surgery?

    Limb salvage surgery offers several benefits, including retaining limb function, avoiding the emotional and physical challenges of amputation, and achieving a more natural appearance post-recovery.

  • How long is the recovery period after limb salvage surgery?

    Recovery times vary depending on the extent of surgery and the patient's overall health. Our plastic surgeons will provide you with a personalized recovery plan and closely monitor your progress to ensure the best possible outcome.

  • Are there any risks associated with limb salvage surgery?

    As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved, such as infection, delayed wound healing, or potential complications related to anesthesia. Our skilled medical team takes every precaution to minimize these risks and ensure a safe procedure.

  • How can I prepare for limb salvage surgery?

    Preparation for limb salvage surgery may include medical evaluations, lifestyle adjustments, and discussions about post-operative care. Our team will guide you through the entire process and address any concerns you may have.

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