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hand rejuvenation

with FAt Grafting

Bring a Youthful Appearance to Hands

Hand rejuvenation with fat grafting, also known as autologous fat transfer, is a cosmetic procedure aimed at restoring a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance to the hands. As people age, the skin on the hands can lose volume and elasticity, resulting in prominent veins, tendons, and a bony appearance. Fat grafting can help address these concerns and improve the overall aesthetics of the hands.

Here's how the procedure typically works:

  1. Consultation: The process begins with a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Sunishka Wimalawansa. During this consultation, you can discuss your aesthetic goals and expectations, and Dr. Wimalawansa will evaluate your hands to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  2. Harvesting Fat: To perform fat grafting, Dr. Wimalawansa will first harvest fat from a donor area on your body, typically from areas with excess fat like the abdomen or thighs. The fat is carefully extracted using liposuction techniques.
  3. Purification and Processing: The harvested fat is processed to remove impurities, excess fluids, and damaged fat cells. This purified fat is then prepared for injection.
  4. Injection: Dr. Wimalawansa will use a fine cannula to inject the purified fat into strategic areas of the hands where volume and fullness are desired. The injections are typically made in the subcutaneous tissue beneath the skin.
  5. Sculpting: Dr. Wimalawansa will meticulously sculpt and shape the fat to create a natural and aesthetically pleasing result. This may involve layering the fat to achieve the desired contours.
  6. Recovery: After the procedure, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort, but these side effects are generally temporary. You'll be advised to rest and avoid strenuous activities during the initial healing period.

The results of hand rejuvenation with fat grafting can be long-lasting, but some fat may be reabsorbed by the body over time. Therefore, additional touch-up sessions may be necessary to maintain the desired results.

This procedure offers the advantage of using one's own tissue (autologous fat) to restore volume, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions or rejection. It can effectively rejuvenate the hands, making them appear fuller, smoother, and more youthful, with minimal scarring and a natural look and feel. Consult with our qualified and experienced surgeon, Dr. Wimalawansa, to discuss the benefits, risks, and expected outcomes for undergoing hand rejuvenation with fat grafting.

Give us a call today to schedule your appointment.

  • closeup of youthful hands after fat grafting procedure

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